понедельник, 24 сентября 2018 г.

Using an Artificial Intelligence in Medical Diagnostics

by Yuriy V. Khokhlov, Ph.D at NTUU "KPI"



This document is both an outline for the article and a kind of introduction to the discussion of my idea. For this reason, the style of presentation is not always official. The purpose of the document is to prepare you for a discussion. I admit that among the readers there are experts in different fields. I tried to make the document understandable for each of them. A side effect - to each of them some fragments of the text will seem obvious and boring. There are no neurophysiologists in my circle of contacts. I’ll try to find consultants.
And yet it happened that the following chain of events in my life led me to this idea:
·       I’ve been dreaming about AI since the age of 6 and systematically studying this subject;
·       relatives are related to the healthcare, biomedical electronics, and now AI domains;
·       close friends motivate me and share my ideas;
·       I have acquired the necessary acquaintances in the scientific world.
What exactly inspired me to write all of this? Subjectivity of doctors-humans just "got" me. I don't like when phone agent of a medical insurance company asks something like "What happened and which doctor you want to get an appointment?". In theory they should always suggest appointment to the therapist. But in practice, not all therapists are "equally useful". Therefore, it is reasonable to organize consultations with two or three doctors for reliability. There is a need for some mediator who would determine immediately in what actions it is necessary to take depending on the symptoms.
I dream of a doctor-diagnostician who would be more robust than the fictional Dr. House. However, I want the decision of this doctor not to be affected by emotion and fatigue. In general, I want to almost completely exclude the "human factor" from several areas of medicine. I want to have fast replication capability of these "doctors".


The modern level of technology gives humanity a chance to its old dreams.
It will be discussed how to increase the objectivity of the differential diagnosis process in medicine by using artificial intelligence technologies.
Research in this direction has been conducted for a long time. The drawback of most of these solutions, which I could find on the net, are focusing on setting up a diagnosis only within one of medical specialties. For example, electrocardiographs, which gives an opinion on the basis of a cardiogram.
If you replace a student-human with a student-machine, then him (it) can be trained faster and more efficiently. Such a student will have incomparably more resources for storing and generalization of the data of many medical specialties. Thus, such a student will combine the experience of many doctors. Consultation with him will be an equivalent consultation with several doctors. Or even better than with human in many times.
In the first part of the article, I tried to summarize how the human brain works. I have long been interested in this topic and have already read a lot. I will try to generalize this here somehow. This is necessary to understand how to build such a system artificially.
In the second part, I will already talk about technical things, offer trial demonstration programs. We will discuss possible commercial solutions (including on the basis of "clouds").
I was told that I was "floating in the clouds." Now it becomes my profession :)
[My work as a associate professor in NTUU “KPI” is not the main one. I develop architecture of private cloud solutions in commercial software development company.]

Initial assumptions

The human brain

Consider the human brain as a computer that implements the model of the surrounding world within itself.
Input data for it are external stimulus from analog sensors.
The model makes it possible to:
·       to predict possible options for event scenarios in the future with an assessment of the probability of their actual implementation
·       make decisions based on weighing the predicted options.
Сonventionally, the model can allocate functional blocks (the list is not complete):
1.     Preliminary processing of signals from sensors (primary sensory cortex)[1];
2.     classification (recognition) of objects (secondary sensory cortex);
3.     rational brain[2] (neocortex)
4.     emotional brain[3] (limbic cortex,  main part of the brain);
5.     decision making[4] (orbitofrontal cortex);
6.     simulation of data from sensors (peculiar only to humans and some primates). Probably this subsystem / ability of the neocortex(?).
At the very beginning, it should be noted that technically and biologically all brain blocks are implemented according to the same principle - the principle of a neural network. There is a theory that any area of the brain can be trained to perform any of the known functions of the brain. Initially, the brain is not divided into functional zones. For some reasons, which are not yet fully understood, in the process of brain growth, the specialization of its regions originates according to the same scheme.
In contrast to the obsolete theory of functional specialization[5] of the brain, according to the theory of neuroplasticity[6] [7] (multisensory brain mechanisms), the scheme by which the brain is divided into zones is partly related to the order in which the sense organs are formed and connected to the brain. In the frames of studies of this theory, experiments are carried out, which indirectly confirm such assumptions. Separation occurs gradually in the process of self-learning of the brain - it learns to analyze and order the data stream that begins to receive from the "sensors".
Those areas of the brain, to which the sensor's nerve tissues are connected, begin to perform the functions of preliminary signal processing, and adjacent to them - begin to specialize in the classification of objects.
If a person is deaf or blind from birth, then if he/she regains these feelings in adulthood, the brain will not be able to take full advantage of them. Images and sounds will not mean anything for him at first. The brain will try to learn how to process this data, but it is not as elastic as it was in youth. Over time, the situation will improve, but it will be still very far from normal. There are living proof[8] [9].
After this preprocessing, the senses signals have already been transformed into a kind of input parameters (features) that the rational and emotional brain can operate on.
The rational brain can use the emotional brain as a co-processor. According to one of the neurophysiological theories, rational brain interacts with emotional brain through marking the input parameters with somatic markers before they enter the emotional brain. Later, it will be able to identify the reactions of the emotional brain, which are associated with these labeled input signals.
The emotional brain is engaged in predicting the options for the future and generating options for action. Each option has its own rating.
Orbitofrontal cortex analyzes the output signals of the emotional brain. It performs pre-selection (filtering) of signals before transferring the result back to the rational brain. Signals with too low ratings will be discarded[10].
The human brain has the ability to restore from memory previously recorded sensations and load them into the emotional brain. This is how abstract thinking is realized.

What is the "sixth" sense

Let's try to explain the concept of the "sixth" sense - the moment when we prefer one of the possible solutions to the problem without apparent logical reasons for this. Apparently we always do this, but we do not always notice it.
The algorithm is as follows:
1.     Our rational brain formulates the problem to the emotional brain (the block of predictions) and then analyzes the variants proposed by it.
2.     The emotional brain conducts a search and an estimation of possible problem solutions based on the experience, i.e. on the model of the world, which he has developed up to the present moment.
3.     Rational brain "likes" most that option which has the greatest rating from the emotional brain.
The rational brain can't explain the reasons why it gravitates toward one of the proposed options (even for itself). It simply can't build a chain of logical reasoning because this logic is hidden from it in the "black box" of the emotional brain.
Thanks to this architecture, the brain can radically increase the speed of solution development by parallelizing computations.
The rational brain is simply not able to parallelize processing of logical chains so efficiently. He needs much more resources and time for this than he can afford. The rational brain, as a rule, is not able to operate simultaneously more than seven objects and it is extremely slow.

What is life experience and learning?

In view of this, life experience can be called a model of the world that has developed in the human brain as a whole in a lifetime. This model includes everything from the analysis and recognition of signals from the senses to the "black box" of the emotional brain.
To become an expert in a certain field, it is necessary to build a model of the world that will ensure sufficiently correct decisions are made in this field.
The brain can build and correct the model on its own, but this isn't effective. Supervised purposeful learning can speed up this process.
In the process of supervised learning gained experience of the trainer transfers to the student. The trainer formulates problems and shows the ways of their optimal solution.
At the beginning of learning, each person initially has his own different life experience. The coach also imposes his "imprint" on it. Part of the trainer's subjective model of the world is copied into the student's subjective model.
It turns out that the traditional methods of learning with a live trainer further adds to the problem of differences in life experience.

The problem of differences in life experience

Finally we got to the problem’s core.

People in general can not objectively assess the situation. The brain while assesses and searches solutions can rely only on its own life experience. That way, it capable only of subjective situation evaluation.
Differences in life experience just cause the existence of subjectivity.
In medicine, subjectivism is especially harmful - it prevents the accuracy increase in medical diagnoses and choice of treatment plan. The opinions of doctors on the same issue often vary - "how many doctors - so many opinions."
In order to somehow fight against this phenomenon, medics organize consultations and conferences. Discussion of the problem makes it possible to compensate the downsides of individual subjective models of the world. The idea is good, but it also has downsides - low decision-making speed and poor scalability (decrease in efficiency with increasing number of participants).

The solution

It is proposed to develop the idea of multidisciplinary councils of physicians, but to translate it into the plane of artificial intelligence.
The concept of artificial intelligence contains a lot of things including machines with a consciousness similar to human. However, to solve the above-described problem, we will be quite satisfied with something simpler - something that already is actively being introduced into our daily life. It will be about machines that can learn to perform for us a certain job while not being specially programmed for this. The source code is one, and the training is different.
Theme of machine learning is now again becoming popular[11]. The power of modern computing systems and distributed computing technologies now make it possible to realize long-term theoretical developments in this field. For example, Google (Google Cloud ML Platform[12]Google DeepMind[13]) and Amazon (Amazon AI[14] и Amazon Lex[15]) has already started to provide AI services for recognition of text, speech, translation. Elon Mask and Microsoft became partners in the project OpenAI[16] worth $1 billion, which aims to develop an open AI platform based on the cloud Microsoft Azure.
Machine learning, as well as human learning, is based on examples. In the learning process, the machine automatically creates a mathematical model that allows it to compute certain assumptions (hypotheses) based on the source data provided to it.
In addition to the obvious superiority of machines in terms of speed of learning, they also have the following unique abilities:
·       simultaneously learn from several trainers (teachers);
·       simultaneously learn in different places;
·       maintain a consistently high learning effectiveness at any age;
·       make backup copies of successful models (configurations);
·       organize natural selection in populations of AI copies;
·       to train the new generation of AI on the basis of the previous generation of AI;
·       the organization of virtual councils among other AI instances;
·       to learn from huge amounts of information.
One of the options for communicating with a person can be in the form of a step-by-step survey, when each next question depends on a set of answers to previously asked questions.
This is how the interface of the famous game AI works “Akinator[17]. Try playing with it to see how it can work. The program tries to guess the character you have envisioned by consistently asking clarifying questions and so on. Gradually narrows the circle of possible characters to one.
The machine is like a living doctor:
·       collects an anamnesis of a patient's life;
·       proposes to perform the necessary examinations;
·       makes  a differential diagnosis.
Due to the fact that the machine learns simultaneously for all major medical specialties, it has unique capabilities in the field of differential diagnostics. It virtually unites the experience of many doctors of different specialties. Moreover, each of its specialties is also based on summarized experience of many physicians corresponding to it.
One consultation with such a machine is now able to replace several consultations with several doctors of one specialty.
At the first stage of interaction with a person, the diagnostic system acts as a therapist or family doctor. In the future, it determines the medical areas to which the problem can relate to and forms a virtual consultation among the AI specimens of the corresponding specialization.
The diagnostic capabilities of the machine can also be used not so straightforwardly. AI can act as an adviser to the doctor and protect him from committing mistakes. The doctor fills the patient's card, and the AI system immediately analyzes it and compares the prescription of the doctor with that it suggests herself. In case of significant differences, it will report a possible error. And here is a great voice interface - Google Assistant[18] or Amazon Alexa (Echo)[19].
The way the AI is used by a doctor in this case is similar to how a rational brain uses the emotional as a coprocessor. It can be said that the doctor had something like an artificial "sixth sense."
The administration of the clinics will have the opportunity to monitor their health workers and identify non-professionals or even criminals.

Intelligent machines can be used to test students' knowledge in medical universities, as well as in medical simulators.
Athletes and just people who care about their health will be able to receive recommendations and early warnings based on data from their personal trackers. Trackers can use the common standard MQTT[20] to download bio-telemetry directly to the Internet.
The artificial intelligence system as well as the person is subjective, however it has incomparably more possibilities for minimizing its subjectivity and, consequently, increasing the objectivity of the conclusions.

Diagnostic system architecture

The architecture of the diagnostic AI system will be constructed according to the example of the human brain. We use the same structural blocks, but in a different quantity.

Structural blocks, similar to how it is implemented in nature, can use the same source code. Specialization of blocks is carried out by means of their profile training.

Consider the flowchart:
A successful interface largely determines the success of the whole business. And it's not just about the user interface, but also about the convenience of integration into existing electronic document management systems in medical institutions. The main task here is to adapt the external data format to the internal one.
Input Processors prepares the data for analysis and interpretation in the Primary Classifier.
For example, if the data is represented as text in a photo, then the Input Processor performs recognition of letters, words, and phrases. Further, the recognized text is transmitted to the Primary Classifier, where the text is interpreted into objects ("concepts") by which the Specialized Classifier blocks operate.
In the next step, the input of some Specialized Classifier blocks receives a set of objects for analysis. Which blocks will be selected for further data processing depends on the classes of previously recognized objects. Each Specialized Classifier has its own specialty. For example, there is no sense to show the ultrasound of the kidneys to the ophthalmologist.
Judgment and formal logic block - performs evaluation and analysis of diagnosis options, weighs the proposed options for additional examination in cases where none of the Specialized Classifier has sufficient confidence in the diagnosis.
The results of the Judgment and formal logic block are transferred back to the interface, where the visualization and initiation of additional data collection takes place.
Everything happens in the same way as in the brain:
·       Input Processor - the signal from the retina is preprocessed. For example, the consequences of defects in the retina and optics, lack of lighting, defects like strabismus, etc. are eliminated.
·       Primary Classifier - there is a primary identification of objects. For example, the fact that we see a curb on the road, and not a snake.
·       Specialized Classifier - an assessment of the threats to life and the search for options to overcome the obstacles based on life experience.
·       Judgement and formal logic block - rational brain chooses the most optimal option from the proposed on the basis of their rating.
·       The control signals are transmitted to the interface (legs, hands).

Primary Classifier

A bit more about the Primary Classifier.
The main purpose of the Primary Classifier is to concentrate data, to discard redundant information.
These blocks are also planned to solve such problems as the analysis of ultrasound scans, cardiogram, X-ray and MRI images. The general idea is that each unit can be trained to recognize pathologies, to allocate certain zones (elements) in the image and to perform the necessary measurements (as is done by the an ultrasound machine operator).
In addition to the methods of machine learning in this block, it is quite acceptable to use mathematical transformations, for example, Fourier, Wavelet, Radon (widely used for visualization of MRI images) and others.
Thus, we get rid of the need to analyze directly the image in Specialized Classifier blocks. Instead, we build a multistage analysis pipeline.

Model in Machine Learning

A little bit of math. If you are bored, hurry to the “Ways to collect training data”.
Machine Learning is a cocktail of mathematical analysis, mathematical optimization, statistics and numerical methods.
Roughly speaking, it all boils down to using the methods of mathematical optimization to find the best parameters of the mathematical model.
The model itself can be:
·       linear or nonlinear function of several variables:
h(x1, x2, x3,...) = θ0 + x11 + + x22 + x33 + ...
h(x1, x2, x3,...) = θ0 + x11 + x1*x22 + x12+ x224 + ...

h - hypothesis
Optimize the coefficients θ0, θ1, θ2, θ3, ...;
·       model of a neural network - we optimize the weights of neural links.
In the general case, optimization of the model parameters comes down to minimizing the objective function. In this case, the objective function is a function of the dependence of the total prediction error for the current value of model's parameters (cost function). The prediction (h - hypothesis) error is calculated as the difference between prediction and truth. The truth is known to us from training examples. To obtain the prediction of the model, we transfer the input parameters from the training set to it.
Minimization of the objective function is usually performed by methods of numerical differentiation. By differentiating the objective function, we find its extrema.
Here below I bring a few screenshots[21] in order to explain how this all works. I am counting on the fact that I will have the opportunity to use it as a visual aid for an oral conversation.
Red crosses - training examples
The linear hypothesis - blue
Non-linear - pink
Classification by input parameters x1, x2, ...
Cost Function as the objective function:

Ways to collect training data

The simplest and most affordable solution is to use physiological bank data like the PhysioBank[22] in PhysioNet[23] system. This option we will choose to implement a test system that can be demonstrated to potential investors.
A real commercial product will need to be trained more seriously. It is supposed to use data from medical cards of patients. Data is previously depersonalized.
Each training example will contain:
1.     a set of diagnostic data and a doctor's report;
2.     a set of diagnostic data and additional tests suggested by the doctor.
Doctors, whose opinion is worth considering, are preliminary selected by an authoritative collegium. The principle is the same as that used by Google, for example, by assigning local Google Maps moderators.
The system is trained on examples from life.
Again, remember Google[24]. The company systematically created such services that helped it to gather information about human in various fields: an interpreter (extracting the meaning from the text), an automated telephone reference service (receiving samples of human speech - recognition and synthesis of speech), Google Goggles (receiving samples of images of text and objects), street panoramas (for driving instruction), social network (the study of social relations and laws of dissemination of information) and other stuff.

Proof of concept - determination of critical states

In order to demonstrate the viability of the idea, I propose to make a relatively simple application.

Now in NTUU "KPI" at the Department of Industrial Electronics is developing a system of biotelemetry for rapid response teams. One of the tasks is to develop a method for determining the critical state of a persons from data from the sensors they carry. An assessment should also be made of the degree of critical state.

As initial data, we will use the heart rate, body temperature and, possibly, the conductivity of the skin. Examples of signal changes are available in the previously mentioned PhysioBank system.
We have the opportunity to ask the doctors who take part in the research to help us in preparing the training examples.

I propose to choose a simple algorithm of machine learning and train it. After that, evaluate the reliability of the data it provides.

Turn-key solutions

I have many thoughts about possible products and solutions in this field. I’d happy to discuss them soon. This involves my expertise in architecture of cloud-based services, embedded electronic systems (including IoT and IoE), machine learning and AI and industrial automation (subject of my Ph.D. thesis).
I invite everyone interested to write joint scientific articles.


The main goal of the described system is to increase the objectivity of medical reports.
Having first considered the principles of the human brain, an automated system was proposed that utilizes using a similar approach.
If we develop this idea, then it turns out that in order for the human factor not to influence decision-making at all, it is necessary, in the final analysis, simply to exclude a human from this process. This will be possible when the training cycle is looped to the AI itself - the previous generation of AI teaches the next generation.
My brother's comments[25]:
Here's what I saw here, in R.I.T.
Now there are a lot of studies in the medical field and the use of machine learning in it. I listened to lectures on: analysis of cardiograms using unsupervised learning and supervised, DNA analysis with unsupervised learning (auto-encoders and convolutional neural networks), natural language processing (NLP) for detecting brain damage, skin inspection.
I am sure that this is only the tip of the iceberg in this direction. It can be said that AI is now actively developing a specialist doctor. Namely, it is necessary to create an AI-chief (chief physician).
In all these presentations, what I listened to, a very big problem - the subjectivism of experts.


[3] Limbic system: structure and functions
[7] "A Concussion Stole My Life" Clark Elliott on TBI and Brain Plasticity - https://youtu.be/9r2pK1j3hQQ
[8] Tracking the evolution of crossmodal plasticity and visual functions before and after sight restoration http://jn.physiology.org/content/113/6/1727 (PDF: http://jn.physiology.org/content/jn/113/6/1727.full.pdf)
[9] Several articles on how the brain "prevents" to restore vision:
·       Valeria Occelli “Molyneux’s Question: A Window on Crossmodal Interplay in Blindness”
https://ria.ru/science/20150119/1043203139.html (Ru)
·       Giulia Dormal and others “Tracking the evolution of crossmodal plasticity and visual functions before and after sight restoration”
·       Shirl Jennings - (1940 – October 26, 2003) was one of only a few people in the world to regain his sight after lifelong blindness and was the inspiration for the character of Virgil Adamson in the movie At First Sight (1999) starring Val Kilmer and Mira Sorvino.
Hhis paintings: 
·       An Account of Some Observations Made by a Young Gentleman, Who Was Born Blind, or Lost His Sight so Early, That He Had no Remembrance of Ever Having Seen, and was couched between 13 and 14 Years of Age. By Mr. Will. Cheffelden, F. R. S. Surgeon to Her Majesty, and to St. Thomas's Hospital. Chesselden, W.; Cheselden, W Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775) (report from 1728):
·       Sight Unseen - Two years after Mike May regained his sight, he still can't recognize his own wife (Complete recovery of vision in blind people can not be carried out)
https://geektimes.ru/post/278400/ (Ru)
[10] A person who did not know how to make decisions:
·       Feeling our way to decision - Sydney Morning Herald (Feb 28, 2009)
·       Jonathan D. Wallis “Orbitofrontal Cortex and Its Contribution to Decision-Making” (2007)
http://olegart.livejournal.com/1451132.html (Ru - article review)
[17] AI Game “Akinator” - https://en.akinator.com/
[20] MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is an ISO standard (ISO/IEC PRF 20922) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MQTT 
[21] Slides are borrowed from the machine learning course Andrew Ng (https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning).
[22] Physiological signals bank - PhysioBank http://www.physionet.org/physiobank/database/
[23] PhysioNet system - http://www.physionet.org/
[25] He is now conducting a research in the field of artificial intelligence for his research degree in R.I.T. (Rochester, New York).

Copyright (c) Yuriy Khokhlov, 2018

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